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Thursday, June 16, 2011


Every week I will choose a theme and discuss songs/albums/artists in relation to that theme. Every song has endless interpretations. These comments are my own interpretations of songs/albums/artists' intentions. This week's theme is: Yoko Ono.

Comments, questions, and (respectful) criticisms on each weekly topic are welcome, as well as suggestions for weekly themes.

Since the late 1960s Yoko Ono has been commonly called the person who broke up the Beatles. I do not agree with this and I do not disagree with it. Obviously John Lennon was completely enthralled by Yoko's every move, so much so that he cheated on his first wife, Cynthia, with her. Lennon brought her to the recording studio and even put a bed in the studio for to sleep on when she was sick. However annoying this may have seemed to the other Beatles, I don't believe that Yoko is what ultimately broke them up. The lads were growing up and had their own lives and families to deal with.

The first song I will discuss is "Be My Yoko Ono" by Barenaked Ladies
At first listen I thought the BnLs were making fun of John and Yoko's relationship, especially when they make fun of Yoko's singing, but after another listen I realized the BnLs were admiring their relationship (in a comical way):

"Isn't it beautiful to see two people so much in love?"

"If I was John and you were Yoko,
I would gladly give up musical genius,
just to have you as my very own, personal Venus."

Sometimes I think people forget that John and Yoko did what they did out of love, not to purposefully annoy people.

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